
How we support you

LogicSwap Solutions thrive with challenging data migrations. Therefore, customer support is our number one priority.

All LogicSwap migration solutions and modules are covered under a 90-day warranty period. Within this time frame end users will receive priority service with same day or next business day response via email from LogicSwap Solutions, division of DSP, Inc.

Customers are then encouraged to purchase a valid maintenance agreement to extend their priority service for an additional 270 days. Maintenance agreements are renewable annually, either directly through LogicSwap Sales.

For Technical support, all users may contact Technical support via email: Customers that do not have a valid maintenance agreement will receive feedback on their issues; however, they are not entitled to software updates to their LogicSwap software. As a professional courtesy to our End users, and in the best interest of improving the quality of future generations of LogicSwap Solutions, non-maintenance Customers can expect a converted file returned to them within approximately two weeks time.

LogicSwap Solutions are licensed by way of a USB dongle or physical ID. USB devices are covered against failure while under a valid maintenance agreement or with in a 90-day Warranty period. Should these devices need replacement they will be provided Free of charge (Overnight shipping included). Any License protection device not covered under this period will be replaced at a cost of $200.00 USD (Overnight shipping included).

To purchase a LogicSwap maintenance agreement or to request a quotation, please contact us.